An investment is often defined as the “commitment of resources to achieve later benefits”. This means a commitment to something now which will support you later. You can invest in your future every day in all sorts of ways including investments in friendships, your career, a skill, or your education. Of course, there are all sorts of financial investments which have the potential to support you later in life, however, we believe that one of the best investments you can make is for your future health and well-being. When it comes to hearing health, many people often choose to ignore it and minimize its significant impact.
The Serious Nature of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is often underestimated, undiagnosed and undertreated. However, it’s a pervasive condition which continues to become more of a social and economic burden on society. The World Health Organization believes there are around 466 million people who struggle with hearing loss worldwide, however in the next 30 years, numbers are projected to increase to nearly double (900 million!) if changes don’t happen on an institutional and personal level.
What are the institutional changes that need to occur? Education is key. When people understand the serious nature of hearing loss on a global level, they may be more motivated to prevent, and treat this condition before it becomes more serious. When hearing loss is untreated it can have grave effects for your mental, cognitive, physical and emotional health.
Taking a Stand Against Hearing Loss
You can take a stand against world hearing loss on a personal level. The first step is to schedule a hearing exam. If a hearing loss is detected, we have solutions. While hearing loss is a permanent condition in most cases it can be addressed with hearing aids. Hearing aids amplify the sounds you struggle with based upon your hearing exam so you can connect with the people in your life. While these amazing digital devices offer life changing and enhancing services most people are reluctant to try them. There are a lot of barriers which keep people from trying them—one being their price. While hearing aids are an investment, often not covered by insurance the long-term investment truly pays off. Here are some of the benefits of investing in hearing aids:
Social Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss
When hearing loss sets in, it can be hard to follow conversations and all too quickly this will impact every factor of how you socialize. At home it will be hard to hear your family, spouse or significant other, leading to miscommunications, confusion and even frustration on both sides of the relationship. Resentment may build up in your most cherished relationships leading to feelings of loneliness and depression even when surrounded by loved ones.
Cognitive Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss
Hearing starts in the ears, but the process isn’t completed until sounds reach the brain. Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss, comprising 90 percent of cases, and is caused when damage occurs to the tiny cells which send sound to the brain via the inner ear. As this disconnect becomes more severe it can be not only hard to follow conversations but contribute to cognitive strain and decline. When the brain must work harder to fill in missing sounds it can cause cognitive exhaustion and social fatigue. In addition, even a mild hearing loss has been linked to higher rates of cognitive decline. As hearing loss declines, a higher rate of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia becomes increasingly present later in life. However, with hearing aids, the risk is decreased to a notable degree.
Financial Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss
Many people fear the initial investment in hearing aids as they can have a steep price point, especially if you want to enjoy some of the amazing bells and whistles in hearing aids today such as noise suppression, directional microphones and Bluetooth connectivity. However, investing in hearing aids now has a major return. A study from the Better Hearing Institute found that those with hearing loss earned $30,000 less on average annually than their contemporaries with normal hearing or who chose to wear hearing aids.
If you are worried about spending on hearing health, just remember that this is an investment that will certainly repay itself in under a year. The social, emotional, and financial benefits outweigh the initial cost. To find out more, schedule a hearing exam with us today!